Terms & Conditions
The content of www.redberrynutrition.co.uk is intended for general use and is not designed to diagnose, treat or replace medical advice. Do not cease conventional treatment or medication for any reason without consulting a doctor.
Terms of Engagement
A Registered Nutritional Therapist at Red Berry Nutrition and the client will sign a Terms of Engagement form provided by BANT at the start of their Initial Consultation.
A detailed Consent Form will also be provided by Red Berry Nutrition to the client at the start of the Initial Consultation to enable clients to choose how their data is used by Red Berry Nutrition. Clients who visit the Red Berry Nutrition clinic following implementation of the new GDPR legislation on the 25th May 2018 will need to sign this updated Consent Form in their next consultation.
Cancellation Policy
If an appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, a 50% fee will be incurred.
If an appointment is not attended, a 100% fee will be charged.
Cancellation of an Appointment by Red Berry Nutrition
If an appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice by Red Berry Nutrition, you will be given a 50% reduction in the cost of your next appointment.
Clients Under the Age of 16
Children are welcome to attend the Red Berry Nutrition clinic. They will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, who will also need to provide written consent during the Initial Consultation.
The Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NT) requests that the Client notes the following:
The degree of benefit obtainable from nutritional therapy may vary between clients with similar health problems and following a similar nutritional therapy programme.
Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations will be tailored to support health conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed between both parties.
Nutritional Therapists are not permitted to diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions.
Nutritional Therapist's recommendations are not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.
Your Nutritional Therapist may recommend food supplements and/or functional testing as part of your nutritional therapy programme and may receive a commission on these products or services.
Standards of professional practice in nutritional therapy are governed by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance.